Thursday, October 27, 2011

Real Light Cycle Give away!

Yes that's right the Parker Brothers are giving away a Free Light Cycle! No not a toy a REAL life light Cycle! Go here to register submit a video and may the Pure Source be with you!

FREE Light Cycle Contest

Here is a video of the Light Cycle!

TRON House lit up Tron Legacy

Wow this is a cool house doing a Halloween light show in CA! But when
it's lit up blue is looks like a Tron Legacy house. I would love to lit up my house
in a Tron Theme like this. Check it out!

Real Life Tron Leagacy Light Cycle Lithium-powered

The game has changed programs! Here is a real life Light Cycle does not use gas and is ready to rock! This thing is If you are ready for this check out the video! Get one now for only 55 thousand dollars.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Tron trailer 2011

Well this is very cool a TRON trailer done 2011 style! It looks really cool and I must say I do love it! They did a good job on this one! Long live the users! Enjoy the drink!

End of Line...

Tron City art

Here is a Tron City I made using a couple art programs. I think it came out pretty good and it's Tron City man! Check it out.

Tron Uprising Preview

This is a brand new Tron Uprising Preview coming out really soon. Wow this just looks amazing everyone check it out and enjoy! I really love this preview, and I can't wait for the show!

The Grid tron art

Here is a cool Grid I made in my program. It's a pretty good background image. It's actually the image I have as the background of this blog. Check it out and enjoy programs!

Come On you Scuzzy Data be in there

So i've been looking for the new Tron 3 teaser all over the place and I think I have finally now found it. I was just going into my old blog before I lost access and there it is the teaser trailer for Tron 3 or TR3N. Enjoy.. and have some of my popcorn while you watch it! It looks pretty cool.

End of Line


Greetings programs! My last blog, well let's say I lost the password for now.But I am back here on my new blog! Missed blogging about Tron but I will be adding lots of new and awesome Tron News very soon. Let's get ready for Tron 3!

See you all on The Grid and enjoy the drink!